SUPERCONDUCTIVE King Size Carbon Earthing Pillow Cases
20 inches by 30 inches in size accommodating most pillow sizes
Super Conductive! 1000 x More Conductive than any other Genuine Cotton Earthing Product – Empower and Enhance Your Sleeping-Earthed Experience to the Ultimate Level Ever!
Localize Earth grounding’s pro-circulatory effects directly on the face and scalp to promote anti-aging and eliminate inflammation. Sleep deeply and comfortably, knowing your body is absorbing the benefits of the Earth’s natural healing energy, along with silver’s anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties
This is a highly conductive Earthing/Grounding Product, providing far more Earthing benefits than Earthing Pillowcases made of cotton with silver yarn interwoven therein!
At LESS that 1 Ohm Resistance, this revolutionary Pillow Case is thousands of times more conductive, and thus effective, than any other Earthing Silver Yarn Pillowcase Product.
NEW Ultra Deep Sleep Carbon Superconductive ULTRA Pillow Cover
The ULTRA Carbon Pillow Cover Kit covers your existing pillow and is designed with our thin, perforated and 100% conductive carbon tech material. Use with your pillow case or sleep directly on the pillow cover, plug into your grounded outlet, and enjoy your blissful, grounded sleep. SIZE: 30″ x 20″.
Dimensions: 30″ x 20″
Our conductive black carbon material is inherently antimicrobial and can be wiped down with a damp cloth. For an occasional deeper clean, we recommend a simple 3-step process.
- Wipe down your product using a damp cloth mixed with a small amount of mild household soap.
- Use a clean, damp cloth to thoroughly wipe away the soap. This prevents build up, which blocks conductivity.
- Let your product air dry.
Important: Never use a cleaning agent containing bleach, disinfectants, oils, or whitening agents, as they can ruin the conductivity of your Earthing® product. Never put your product in the washing machine.
Connect the Ground Lead to the Pillow Case through Stud/Snap Connection. Then connect other end of the Lead to the Ground Plug or Ground Rod depending on connection kit chosen.
Connect Plug to socket (no need to switch on) or insert Ground Rod into moist earth outside.
We offer a special Earth Bonding Plug (with all Pillow Cases ordered with UK Connection Kits ONLY) that will accept three (3) Earth Lead Connections, so you can Earth your Ultra Sleep Mat and two Pillow Cases with just one (1) Earth Plug, or two Sleep Mats and one Pillowcase. So if you already have an Earthing Sheet or Cocoon, then you can still use one or two Earthing Pillows on your existing Earthing Sheet whilst still only using one Mains Earth Socket connection. You will not need any extra Outlets to Earth the pillowcases!
The Ultra Carbon Earthing Pillow Cases compliment all ‘sleep-earthed’ systems by directing Earthing to the upper back, neck, head, and sides of the face, as well as contributing earthing levels to the whole body. This enhances your Earthing experience whilst sleeping or resting. Can also be used as a Cushion and without Pillow for treating certain areas of the body.
Only available for UK & EU Mains Connections at the moment:
1 x Ultra Earthing Pillow Case with UK Mains Connection Kit (see above):
2 x Ultra Earthing Pillow Cases with UK Mains Connection Kit (see above)